It´s getting close to Stockholm! I will be flying on Friday (5th of May), after a days work! And will be watching John Mayer on Sunday (7th of May), and fly home the next day on Monday!
It has been a while since I have spent a more than a day in Stockholm, now that I think about it, the last time I did that was the last time I saw John Mayer live, back in 2014. I have spent more time in Gothenburg, than in Stockholm.
It will be Amazing!
I can´t wait for it!
I got a package as well today! I have ordered some custom T-shirts and expected them to come later this week, even next week, but they came rather quickly (ordered them on the 27th of April, and they came at the 2nd of May).
I will probably wear them during my trips! Why you ask? Just..... Reasons..... -___-
I will link a video down below, to let you see how they look!