A lot is going on! It might happen that I have to look for a new job, as my current employers aren´t taking a lot of steps to keep me. They have of course asked me if I wanted to stay, but I wanted to know about a new salary, which they didn´t, and haven´t still, touched upon. So because of that, I might have to search for a new job!
I´m taking steps for another trip as well, I have bought a ticket for a show in London in October. The band is called Starsailor, which is a band I have listened to quite a bit as well, as soon as I found one of their songs which was playing during the ending credits to Metal Gear Solid 3!
I might even take this trip to catch up to some friends that I didn´t meet last month, while I was there!
I have looked into seeing a football match as well, I see that Tottenham meets Liverpool the weekend I am there, so that´s a possibility!