Yesterday started early, with some horrible sleep, prob the worst sleep I have had, and chilled a bit, and packed the rest of my stuff, and checked out!
I checked in and went through security, which took quite a while! Then I chilled for a bit, having something to eat, and getting something for myself in tax free! I also needed to go to the bathroom!
I had some time to kill in Copenhagen, so I went through tax free again, and bought something to my niece and nephew, which I wanted to to in Japan, but couldn't find anything.
The flight to Stockholm went fine, and was a little bit early. I got my bags relatively early, and had some time to kill, Since I had almost an hour until my train to Eskilstuna! After another bathroom break, I went to the station and on the train to Eskilstuna! Which took 1.5 hours!
When I got home, I unpacked my bags and chilled for a bit, being tired as hell, after a long trip!
The Hotel I was staying at was OK, it was a smoking hotel, so sometimes when you went out, you got hit with smoke in the hallway, which might be a downgrade! the small was a bit small, but it didn't matter much to me!