The day started early, as I woke up early, not intended, and chilled for a bit, packed the rest of my stuff and Checked out of the hotel at 7.30am. I walked to Kings Cross and took the underground train to Heathrow.
But I got there and checked in my luggage, and I thought I had to pay for one more luggage, but apparently not. Buuuut. When I exchanged my GBP for Czech korunas (so I could be ahead), I got ripped off, got less than I should have.
I did realize that I haven't been to Brussels in quite a while, and I went the other way, when trying to find the hotel! But I eventually went the right way and found the hotel, which is a new place!
I went out after laving my bags, and went directly to Mannekin Piss, and after that to Grand Place! Then I went to the Botanical Gardens, and then decided to head back to grand place and have some dinner. I then headed back to the hotel and have chilled ever since!