The day didn´t start so well though, I went to bed early yesterday, and I was drifting in and out of sleep, because of the noise coming from outside. So at 7am I gave up, and chilled on the computer until breakfast. Just before breakfast, I went to the reception to see if I could change from a top bunk to the bottom bunk, which worked. I hate being on the top bunk, especially when you need to go to the bathroom.
I bought a return ticket and went to the train. It was a 37min trainride, so it was quick. I arrived at 10.40, so I walked around, heading to the main square and had a look. on the way I did see the Johannes Church. I walked around some more, seeing the docks, amongst some other things. I was getting hungry and tired, so I went to have some lunch. I then decided to head back to Amsterdam.
So what do I think of Amersfoort?
I did like it, it has similar buildings as in Amsterdam, it in a way different!, It´s a nice place to visit if you have time for a day trip!
I will see what I´m going to do tonight!