I have been working through the new year, so I couldn´t really celebrate it properly, but that´s alright!
I hope 2021 will be better, we hope that the pandemic will at least be tolerable enough that we can be more free.
Well, a lot happened. I got to travel quite a bit during 2020. I got to travel to Austria, Wales, and London acouple of times.
Austria was amazing, seeing Vienna, Salzburg, and Hallstatt. Cardiff Wales was interesting, and London has always been amazing!
Even though it was the second trip during the fully fledged pandemic. There were some effects of the pandemic in London as well, as there were not a lot of people out and about, which was understandable.
I also had a trip with my parents, which was amazing as well, as it was a long time since we traveled together.
I hope that the festivals will come back this year, but it might be unlikely, as the pandemic might not stop during the summer! Also considering that the UK has the mutant strain of Covid 19!